Inside Their Stories


From Lost to Loved

“Before I came to Campus Life I didn’t have a place to belong”

-Anderson, 11th grade boy

Think back to who you were in High School. Where did you fit? Did you have a sports team where you belonged? Were you in the band or a part of theater club? Did you have a group of friends and a strong family unit to depend on?

Or were you alone? Wandering? Did you harbor hurt and strive to fit in?

We hope not. And we exist to make sure no 11-19 year old lives that way.

Anderson for example (pictured above & to the left) was alone for a long time. He states that, "before Campus Life I didn't have a place to belong." God sent Anderson to us three years ago and since being in his life we have seen growth & exploration in him.

Campus Life goes beyond just giving kids like Anderson a place to belong. "Campus Life has given me a new view of the world. Growing up I was never exposed to religion but I have a better understanding of it now through Campus Life."

Here's the funny thing; Anderson has not professed faith in Christ. He hasn't fallen to his knees and surrendered to Jesus. He isn't lined up waiting to be baptized. We know we are not the Holy Spirit and have no control over that. But we do control how much we love & invite him.

Because of that focus Anderson has found belonging with us. He knows he is loved and cherished. He is seeing who Christ is in us. We thank you for the part you are playing in his journey. Through supporting YFC you have given the lost a place to be loved.

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