Inside Their Stories


Uncovering More

The story of how one young man uncovered deep meaning in life.

“Drake” is a senior in high school who we met through our Campus Life program. Drake has a loving family and stable home. But Drake was never taken to church or introduced to Jesus. That is until he attended Campus Life. At Campus Life he heard the gospel and other truths about the ways Christ followers are called to live. This all intrigued him. This intrigue coupled with the feeling of inclusion he got from those involved in Campus Life led him to sign up for High School Camp.

At camp Drake was challenged to examine his life at a deeper level. He sat with scriptures and reflected on his habits. He was also immersed in relationships with peers and leaders who are committed to following Jesus. All these factors led Drake to accept Christ into his heart and become a follower of the One True God.

Praise God for the work he had done in “Drake’s” life. Please pray for him as we continue to encourage him in his new found faith!

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