Campus Life Curriculum
Middle School Curriculum
Campus Life is a unique on-campus ministry in that each week we discuss relevant topics where students are invited to share what they have to say.
Once our students have had the opportunity to share openly we share the Biblical perspective on the subject.
This model allows us to earn the right to be heard while sharing God’s truth.
To the right we have listed the topics for this year of ministry at our middle school sites!
Kick Off - Come & See
Me - See Me
Me - Hear Me
Me - Know Me
Me - Love Me
Emotions - Anger
Emotions - Anxiety
Emotions - Sadness
Emotions - Envy
Emotions - Joy
Beyond The Surface - Gratitude
Beyond The Surface - Forgiveness
Beyond The Surface - Success
Beyond The Surface - Christmas
Boundaries - Friends
Boundaries - Yourself
Boundaries - Dating
Fruit - Self Control
Fruit - Peace
Fruit - Patience
Counter Culture - Freedom
Counter Culture - Hurry
Counter Culture - Money
Counter Culture - Status
I Am - The Light
I Am - The Bread
I Am - The Shepherd
I Am - The Way
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
Week 26
Week 27
Week 28