Inside Their Stories


Yazmine’s Story

Being there for the pivotal moments in the lives of young people.

*Name changed for privacy purposes.

Between the ages of 11-19 so many pivotal moments occur. Moments that have monumental potential to shape a person and define their path. Moments like:

Passing your driver’s license test!

Your first dance.

Earning a scholarship.

Or… Finding out you’re pregnant.

That last pivotal moment is a part of Yazmine’s story. Yazmine graduated last year and attended our Campus Life program since she was a freshman. But she really began to grow deep with us her Junior year.

However, Yazmine ’s spiritual life ebbed and flowed. Being raised by a single mother and having a toxic relationship with her father left deep wounds. Even though she was blessed to have key people point her to Jesus it’s near impossible to face the things she did and remain unscathed.

The summer after graduation Yazmine fell out of her healthy rhythm. A desire to have fun before starting college grew. She rekindled friendships that were not Christ-centered. She met a boy and chose to have a casual sex with him. Even that’s impossible because sex isn’t casual.

Eight weeks later she is staring at the word “positive.” Pressure from those friends and the father mounted. An appointment was made at the abortion clinic. But God stepped in and Yazmine is keeping her baby.

A lot changed for her. Bye-bye out of state college. Bye-bye nail appointments and Starbucks runs. She has to grow up; and fast. And we will be there for every bit of it. We are proud of her decision for life and celebrating the little boy inside her.

Grace abounds and the natural consequences of unwed motherhood will be enough punishment with out us shaming her. We are blessed to be pointing her to crisis pregnancy resources and drawing her in to small groups. When YFC enters the scene of a kid’s life it’s not to just to get them to repeat the sinner’s prayer. It is the long haul. It is relational and often messy. It is how Jesus lived.

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