

YFC Builds Christ Sharing Relationships

Youth For Christ ministry is all about relational evangelism. We build Christ-sharing relationships with lost students. We pursue them wherever they are in life. We spend time with them and listen to them, earning the right to be heard when it comes what really matters in life: Knowing God and being known and loved by him.

  • Campus Life


    Learn about Campus Life High School and how we combine healthy relationships with creative programs to help young people establish a solid foundation for life.

  • Campus Life


    Learn about Campus Life Middle School and how we help young people navigate the tough years of adolescents & establish a solid foundation for life by walking along side them.


    Explore YFC Camp and how this outdoor experience creates an space where God is presented clearly & concisely to lost students. YFC Camp provides an excellent adventure where Jesus forever alters the lives of adolescents.

  • Core

    Explore YFC Core and how we coach Christian students on relational evangelism. Learn how our Core ministry trains Christian students to naturally invite friends and peers to discover Jesus with them.

Youth For Christ Mission